Date tips for families with children: How to sneak dates into a busy everyday life

Once you have fallen into the cauldron of days that take each other like flying calendar leaves in an old cartoon, you can almost also imagine the next scene:
Two tired parents slumped over with eyelids as heavy as curtains, birds flying around overhead and the poles in the air.
Which of the two surprises the other with a well thought out date?
Really, yes. None.
If you want to avoid the trivial life of liver paste (who doesn't want that?), here is a recipe for how you can sneak dating time into a busy everyday life.
See the selection of finished date boxes here
What worked at first
According to couples therapist and sexologist Kathrine Katzmann, it's about listening to what you did at the start of the relationship. Then you will never get divorced, she says.
- In the beginning, you make a big effort to prioritize each other, to be interested and engaged in each other and to spend time together. A time that can suddenly become less in an everyday life with children who have to be picked up and brought, shopping, dinner etc., says Katzmann.
Important for dating in a family with children
Find a date and enter the date in the calendar so that it is planned. Remember that the biggest lover's time robber is a busy everyday life and lack of planning.
- Create space for presence. Put the phone away and be present in each other's company. Wait until the kids are in bed so you can focus on each other.
- Choose an activity that creates memories. For example, learning something together. Or choose a topic you would like to talk about.
Good memories are gold for the relationshipÂ
- Memories are incredibly important for a relationship. The memories act as a kind of currency. On rainy days, you can draw a little from the love bank account.
Do you remember what you had for lunch on Tuesday last week? Probably not. Because everyday life is similar. The memories we remember best are the ones where something different happened. With a home date, you get a memory of the gray days. because you are doing something together that is different and that challenges you, piques curiosity and demands cooperation, concludes the couples therapist.
See the selection of finished date boxes here