An Advent adventure: from thought to action! 2022

The mission of Dately is to create good times for couples.
Christmas is something special for many. So it was natural that Dately should also come up with an offer for pleasant dates in December. An advent calendar.
I work in such a way that when I get an idea, I have to test whether it works. Preferably quickly. And that's how we got started with Dately's advent calendar.
In true startup style, we were late as all the big companies had already started selling their advent calendars. And we hadn't even found out what it was supposed to contain. Within a week we had found the right business partners and then we could start sales. It would turn out to be a good decision. Because we got busy. Very busy.
Big packing day!
Never in my wildest dreams did I think we could sell so many advent calendars. It also meant that I had to gather family and friends to help get all the items packed and assembled. Here I learned that it was a good idea to think through how many elements a calendar should consist of.
What I thought would take a few hours ended up taking two days for 14 people. Since then, no one in the family has picked up the phone when I've called, for fear of being asked if they want to help pack. Fortunately, we made it all in time. And we have never received such good feedback.
At the same time, I learned what it means to be surrounded by good people when things come to a head, when it feels like half of Denmark needs an Advent calendar. A huge experience we take with us on our entrepreneurial journey.
I hope this year will be even wilder!
The best greetings